最新公告 Latest News
大家好,首先我們非常感謝各位對活動的支持,Startup, Starts Now! 國內外的報名情況相當踴躍,一共來自10個不同國家、近百位的同學報名,我們邀請多位專家學者從中挑選出40位學員參與本次創業交流營隊,恭喜入選及備取學員名單如本頁下方所示。
Greeting to everyone, First of all, we would like to show our gratitude to all of you who were managed to participate Startup, Starts Now! Entrepreneurial Summer Camp. This year, we have almost hundred applicants from 10 different southbound country, and we are here happy to announce the final list of the selected 40 candidates. The selected candidates of this event are as below.
國內生正(備)取名單(Domestic Students Admission&Waiting List) 外籍生正(備)取名單
(Foreign Students Admission&Waiting List) 在臺外籍生正(備)取名單
(Domestic Foreign Students Admission&Waiting List)
Those students who are on the list, please check your email box for further information. Thank You.
The organizer reserve the right to make changes to the event.
關於活動 About the camp
Entrepreneurial Summer Camp is expecting and welcoming outstanding talents in colleges and universities from new southbound countries to Taiwan to interchange innovative business ideas with local Taiwanese students. The camp has an excellent faculty team who has been vigorously working on planning workshops and camps of innovation with a series of professional courses to inspire college youths on creating their own business.
The learning outcomes will not only be fostered into a business plan by making a prototype, but also the students in the camp might possibly get their first domestic fundraising while briefing to those angel investors, which will help to realize their entrepreneurship. Also, they will also be able to use the Fi-Lab on NKUST Diyi Campus where the students can receive more practical suggestions and counseling service by mentors and project managers
Besides filling out the application forms and agreements below, please upload a short clip about your self-introduction and business ideas in English within 1-3 minutes.
Activity Highlights of the camp in 2018:
重要日程 Important Dates
Deadline Countdown
2019. 05. 13
Result Announcement
2019. 05. 28
2019. 07. 22
2019. 07. 31
申請前請看這裡 Before Application
注意事項 Notice
Upload the following documents in the google sheet.
- 參加聲明書 (附件一,需簽字掃描)
- 法定代理人同意書(未成年須填) (附件二,需簽字掃描)
- 學生證 (掃描檔)
- Declaration Form (Appendix I, scan with signature)
- Declaration of Consent from legal representative (For under 18 years old applicant) (Appendix II, scan with signature)
- Student ID (Scan)
期限Deadline: 2019/05/13
臺灣時間108 年5月13日(一)截止
※ 未於時間內完成報名及上傳資料者,視同放棄資格。